What is the Derry & Strabane City Deal?

A City Deal is a bespoke package of funding and decision-making powers agreed between central government and local regions. It is aimed at helping to create new jobs, harness additional investment and accelerate economic growth.

Working in partnership towards a bright future

Derry City and Strabane District Council (DCSDC) and city partners including Ulster University, North West Regional College, The Western Health and Social Care Services Trust and C-TRIC are the delivery partners behind the Derry & Strabane City Deal.

The City Deal and Inclusive Future Fund stimulus package will further position Derry City and Strabane District, alongside neighbouring Donegal, as a highly digitally enabled location for cutting-edge business development, expansion and inward investment.


"Ulster University is proud to play a leading role in the Derry City Deal. As Northern Ireland’s civic university, we are proud to bring world-class research and expertise to bear in Derry~Londonderry and Strabane. These innovation projects champion community health, digital technologies and skills development. After the challenges of the global COVID-19 pandemic, we are more committed than ever to playing our part in building anew for the good of all."
- Paul Bartholmew, Vice-Chancellor, Ulster University
"Universities exist to deliver research-led teaching to provide education and employment in society. Ulster University is a lead partner in the Derry and Strabane City Deal because we have built up years of expertise in Digital Technologies and Life Sciences at our Magee campus. To enable Derry to realise its full potential we need to be strategic about harnessing existing strengths to deliver skills, jobs and in a word, change. At a most vital juncture, we with city and region partners are committed to deliver innovative projects in sectors of strength to deliver education, skills and jobs."
- Malachy Ó Néill, Provost of Magee Campus, Ulster University
Dawn McLaughlin
"The Derry and Strabane City Deal represents a major opportunity for the city and region. To have an investment of this scale on the horizon, is at once inspiring and reassuring, given the challenges of recent times. The projects themselves, which will benefit a wide range of sectors, from hospitality to advanced manufacturing, are geared towards embracing our strengths and super-charging our competitiveness. This strategic vision mixed with the passion and talent of our people, will make for a bright and exciting future for all."
- Dawn McLaughlin, President, Londonderry Chamber of Commerce
"The Derry City and Strabane City Deal has the potential to drive new investment, stimulate growth and attract jobs. It will transform the region by bringing about investment in urban regeneration, education and skills, infrastructure and tourism with a core focus on digital innovation. We are fully committed to work with Government and our key strategic partners to progress with a pathway to bring the City Deal forward to the next stages."
- John Kelpie, Chief Executive of Derry City and Strabane District

Innovation Projects

A City Deal is a bespoke package of funding and decision making powers agreed between central government and local regions.

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